Natural Resources Fund reaches 1,000,000 per Guyanese family

-Citizens ask, who is benefiting?

Guyana’s Natural Resource Fund, which was set up by the APNU+AFC government to manage revenues from oil production, has now reached G$219,178,291,000. This amount is equal to $1,043,000 for each of the 210,000 households in Guyana. But who is benefiting?

Basic expectations, such as respectable wages for public servants, emergency housing for those forced to live in squatting areas, and free University education, continue to be wholly ignored by the PPP regime.

With rampant inflation eroding their purchasing power, public servants have yet to receive any meaningful increase in wages. Instead of emergency housing for poor squatters, the PPP continue their heartless campaign of demolishing family homes in squatting areas and throwing citizens on the street.

Tuition-free UG, which would cost the state no more than 1.3% of the money saved in the NRF, is still non-existent. This is so even as students enter their 3rd academic year under the PPP rule.

More, In The Ring.