GECOM Chairwoman only says “yes” to PPP, hands over elections data

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chairwoman Claudette Singh last Tuesday decided to hand over highly sensitive elections data to the PPP Government for its perusal.

Many have expressed fears that sensitive documents which will be the center of the elections petition cases before the Courts, may be tampered with or stolen before it could be presented before an elections court.

Strangely, the Guyanese people only learned of the documents released through the Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall, S.C, last Tuesday evening during his weekly live-streamed Facebook show. GECOM has not released a public statement on the matter.

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton has repeatedly called for the Chairman of GECOM to go. “She votes every time with the PPP and therefore she does not bring the impartially that is expected of a Chairman of the Elections Commission and therefore she should go, there is no threat in that. What it does is to point out that the Elections Commission is a constitutional body and what is expected is that he/she whoever chairs it will operate impartially, will operate independently,” Mr. Norton said.

The Attorney-General had early last week written GECOM’s Chairman to request the documents that were submitted by the APNU+AFC during the elections process in 2020, which alleges voter fraud in the country.

More, In The Ring.