Manickchand caught lying about APNU+AFC National Schools Feeding program

In a Facebook post recently the Minister of Education attempted to discredit the work of the APNU+AFC Government by making the false claim that the 5Bs School Children program implemented by David Granger didn’t benefit Schools in Region Two. The Ministry of Education, had earlier re-launched the National Breakfast program, which she says will focus on providing a breakfast meal to Grade Six students in the coastal Regions: Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Ten.

The re-launch was strongly rebutted as “shameless” by APNU+AFC Member of Parliament Shurwayne Holder who wrote on his Facebook page that, “Breakfast was not only offered to Grade 6 Students but the entire Primary School- Grade 1 to 6 in many schools under the APNU+AFC. This was part of the 5 B’s Program. The PPP stopped this program in 2020. It is both shameless and deceitful for the PPP to now come and pretend that this is a new Initiative.”

The Minister responded, “My Dearest Shurwayne. You’re an honest man right? Tell your friends here on how many schools or children received breakfast in the Essequibo region on the 5 B prog. Let me help you. NONE. Zero. Zilch. I wait your answer though.”

MP Holders stated, “My Dearest Priya, Let me enlighten you of the facts. The following are SOME of the schools in Region 2 that had the Hot Meal Program under the APNUAFC where kitchens were built/set up and persons employed to prepare same: Coastal Areas, Fisher Primary, Dartmouth Primary, Better Hope Primary. Riverain Areas: Ulilee Primary – Karawab, St. Monica Primary, Kabakaburi Primary, Jacklow Primary

Hackney Primary, Wakapau Primary. Additionally, Students from hinterland areas such as Tapakuma, Mainstay and Lima Sands who used the David G School Bus to get to Anna Regina Multilateral, Anna Regina Secondary and Abram Zuil Secondary all received a hot meal before entering their classroom in the mornings. Be informed!”

The Minister has since gone silent.

More, In The Ring.