It is supreme folly to believe that Jagdeo can save Guyana from his style of leadership. At his press conference, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo while offering his opinion on the Bascom affair, declared that ‘one thing the People’s Progressive Party will not let happen, to have its reputation sullied by any individual…the People’s Progressive Party will not condone any illegal acts on the part of any of those individuals that I mentioned or others for that matter. People have to face consequences for their actions’.
Added to this, he sought to distance the PPP from businessmen who are known associates of his party. Further, the former President projected an image of Batman who will save Gotham from the shadowy underworld.
The problem with his sudden reincarnated posture is that he is the creator of the state of affairs in which Guyana currently finds itself. He is in control. It is his mess. He is the creator.
When Cheddi Jagan solemnly departed, it was Jagdeo who took control of the People’s Progressive Party and turned it into the party of hustle and bustle and created a seamless connection between the PPP and the underworld in Guyana. It is under his dark 12-year presidency that death squads and phantoms gained access to the state.
Today, it is clear that Guyana is in the midst of Jagdeo’s third term and all the elements of Jagdeoism are evident. The Bascom affair has all the hallmarks of Jagdeoism: executions, state cover-ups, a police state, secrecy, and guns for hire, shady businessmen and more. It is a throwback to 1997-1999, when Jagdeo reigned supreme.
This is the essence of Jagdeoism, this is what occurs whenever the former geography teacher puts his hand on power. A law and order society is impossible under Jagdeo, his character is the essence of lawlessness.