Gov’t/Opposition locked in court battles this week on constitutional violations

As tensions continue to build over the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) regime’s push to dominate and control all aspects of state power, the Opposition this week is hoping that the courts can put the break on a seemingly brutal effort by the Ali Government to destroy democracy in Guyana.

Already, the courts would have reversed many unconstitutional actions by the Government. In November of 2021, the High Court ruled that approval of budget proposals for constitutional agencies back in 2020 was unlawful.

In April of that same year, Chief Justice Roxane George ruled that the appointment of PPP Candidates at the 2022 elections, Vikash Ramkissoon and Sarah Browne as Parliamentary Secretaries and non-elected Members of the National Assembly was illegal. Therefore the two are to be removed from the positions and seats in the National Assembly.

Only last week acting Chief Justice, Roxanne George-Wiltshire S.C. dismissed the decision of acting Chief Cooperatives Development Officer (CCDO), Debbie Persaud, to direct the Guyana Public Service Co-operative Credit Union Limited (GPSCCU) to dismiss Trevor Benn as its Chairman. The Director was represented by the Attorney General’s Office.

In a Facebook post, Attorney-at-Law Selwyn Pieters expressed confidence that Justice will be served, as he and his team gear up for the derby of court cases this week.

“Monday, August 8, 2022, Aubrey Norton v. Attorney General et al No. 2022-HC-DEM-CIV-FDA-902 – The Chief Justice of Guyana will be hearing this matter at 10:00 AM – the issues here revolve around the appointment of Pastor Patrick Findlay as Chair of the Police Service Commission and the appointment of the Integrity Commission without meaningful consultations with the Leader of the Official Opposition Aubrey Norton. Written arguments were filed by all of the parties.”

Then on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 994/2022-FDA Tabitha Sarabo-Halley -vs- The Attorney General of Guyana before The Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge. This matter deals with the suspension of eight (8) APNU/AFC Members of Parliament.

Also, on Thursday, August 11, 2002, the court will hear Christopher Jones v. Attorney General and Clifton Hicken No. 2022-HC-DEM-CIV-FDA-705, in which the Chief Justice of Guyana will render her judgment. The issue here is whether the president engaged in an overreach in violation of 211 of the Constitution when he appointed Clifton Hicken as acting Commissioner of Police using the Doctrine of Necessity.

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