Renegotiate and fix the Coalition -AFC Conference decision

The much-debated question of whether the Alliance for Change (AFC) leaves the APNU+AFC Coalition or not was put to a vote at the National Conference of the AFC on Sunday, June 11, 2022, and the decision was nearly unanimous: renegotiate and fix the coalition!

Of the three options put before the AFC’s National Conference, maintaining the Coalition in its current form was overwhelmingly rejected, while calls for leaving the coalition proved just as unpopular. The executive of the party was instead mandated to keep the AFC in the Coalition under a new and improved agreement. The current Coalition agreement between the AFC and APNU is set to expire in December 2022.

Areas of major concern, which have proven to be deeply demoralizing to the APNI+AFC’s support base, include former President Granger’s initial questioning of the AFC’s selection for the PM candidate, APNU’s refusal to abide by agreements on the appointment of RDC officials and the APNU’s demand that the AFC’s share is reduced to 30% of offices and MP seats. All these moves by the APNU leadership have given weight to fears of an attempt to dominate the relationship.

With just a few months left before the current agreement expires, we can expect deliberations about the future of the coalition to be on the front burner for the leadership of both the AFC and APNU. Whatever the outcome, one thing is clear, things must change.

More, In The Ring.