‘We can’t control the price for rice’ -Mustapha tells Essequibo Rice Farmers

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha recently held a meeting with Region 2, Pomeroon-Supenaam, Rice Farmers at the Anna Regina Multilateral School. where he told them that after a few hours of negotiation with the millers, he had gotten them to agree to a small $200 price increase.

Last Monday rice farmers in that Region staged a massive protest at Anna Regina, High Bridge demanding higher prices for their paddy and a reduction in the price of fertilizer. The frustrated rice farmers were at the time calling for an increase in the price of paddy from the meager $3500 to $5000.

At Thursday’s meeting Mustapha told the Farmers that there are certain things that are beyond the regime’s control, the price of rice is one such thing, according to the Minister. It should be noted that while in Opposition the PPP had all the answers for the Rice Sector. Irfaan Ali had promised to make rice profitable again if elected. He was at the time speaking to residents of Region 2 at a 2020 elections campaign rally in Anna Regina.

Farmers have also come to the realization that the $5000 per bag promise was just a political gimmick, as they brace for a wave of price increases in the near future.

More, In The Ring.