Subsidize flour now, undo the 15% increase -AFC

In a recent press release, the Alliance for Change has called on the installed PPP government to undo the recent 15% increase in the price of flour. The Opposition party argues that increased oil prices provide the government with more than enough revenue to subsidize the price of flour for those struggling with the inflated cost of living.

“World wheat prices stand at ~$370 per ton. With Guyana reportedly importing 55,000 tons in 2019, it will cost the state less than $6 million USD to cover the full cost of the recent 40% spike in wheat prices. That’s approximately a mere 1% of the extra revenues that Guyana will earn in 2022 from the increase in oil prices,” the AFC posited.

The party argued that “The state can easily afford to cover the cost of increased wheat prices by simply redirecting a small part of its increased oil revenues to keep the cost of flour affordable for those struggling in poverty.” Recently the government has bent to pressure to cut its tax on petrol and now the public hopes that other areas of concern will also get some attention from the government. The importance of the price of food staples to the poorest segment of society cannot be overstated.

More, In The Ring.