The police have made several arrests as they remove Rice Farmers attempting to block roads in Berbice in protest. The farmers were protesting recent decisions by millers to cut the price of paddy.
Farmers were promised $70,000 per ton of paddy, but were blindsided on Monday when millers informed them that they would only be getting $65,000 per ton. Reportedly, millers are further threatening to cut paddy prices to as low as $55,000 per ton. Farmers are complaining that such drastic cuts overnight would threaten the survival of their businesses.
Millers are claiming that international market forces are compelling them to lower their prices. However, our publication notes that rice prices are spiking across Asia, with Asia accounting for 90% of the world’s rice market. Farmers are demanding that millers return to the previous commitment to the price of $70,000. They feel powerless and are calling on the government to intervene.
More, In The Ring.