‘Team Mohamed’ of Mohamed’s Enterprise fame, led by Azruddin Mohamed, distributed “500 hampers and 1000 school bags” according to information posted to Facebook by Attorney at Law and Businessman James Bond. The activity took place at Bond’s Cigars and Cognac establishment, Melanie. The items were given out to “the children and families of Melanie, Paradise, Enterprise, Non Pariel and neighboring communities,” Bond said.
An economist by training, MP Fernandes, noted, “This is the Guyana that we live in, a land in which our country is recorded among the fastest growing economies in the world while people are living below the poverty line.”
In 2021 Guyanese saw a 14% raise in basic food prices and an inflation rate of almost 6%. Oil revenues total close to a billion US dollars , with the installed PPP regime recently enacting the Natural Resources Bill 2021 that ensures little real oversight is provided as to how the funds are invested and spent.
More, In The Ring.