AFC slams PPP for treatment of Marudi Mountain residents

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has said it is “abominable that the Irfaan Ali regime continues to violate the hallowed principle of Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) that the world recognises as one of the strong pillars of good governance.” The installed regime has failed to formally consult with the residents regarding mining in the area.

The AFC stated, “Over a month after “permission” was ostensibly given for mining to resume at Marudi Mountain, Rupununi, neither the Office of the President, Ministry of Natural Resources, nor the GGMC, have seen it fit to share the obviously secret document and to revisit the arrangement that is obviously in violation of the FPIC conditionalities.”

The stinging rebuke to the regime noted, “The manner in which this agreement was entered into is in stark contrast to the inclusionary way in which the APNU+AFC approached the thorny issue while in office. Then, mediation was chosen as the best method to resolve the issues of all stakeholders – foremost among which were the South Rupununi communities that would have been directly affected.”

More, In The Ring.